Letter to Parents/Carers – 19/03/2021
Dear parents and carers
It has been a busy week again at Heworth Grange. I was delighted to see student council back up and running again discussing pertinent issues as well as the Modulo Orchestra after school on Thursday and of course all the face to face lessons.
As you aware, reading is an essential life skill and each morning during advisory students have been engaged in reading their Accelerated Reader books or their KS4 English Literature texts. Many students have already changed their books and have selected new ones which is fantastic news.
We have also had some exciting news about a former student, Joshua Meeking, who has just had a book published. The book is called `Isolation’ and is now available to buy from Waterstones, ISBN: 9781839752483. We are of course very proud of his achievements.
Home Test Kits
All students who have taken lateral flow tests in school will today take home the `home test kits’, please contact school reception if you have any questions regarding the kits.
During this year we have been conscious that family circumstances have been challenging for some and that going to shops to purchase uniform has also been difficult. We have also been allowing students to wear coats in school because of the ventilation requirements.
As we now start to see restrictions lifting and warmer weather arriving, we will be focusing on improving uniform standards. Please can you ensure that all students are wearing full uniform from Monday, 22nd March. School staff will work with students to find out which pieces of uniform are missing and will then contact parents and carers about replacing any missing items. We understand that everyone’s position is different so we will be working sensitively on this issue, however, uniform standards do need some improvement.
As well as uniform, can you please ensure students are not wearing jewellery, except for wrist watches. Make-up etc should be discrete.
Thank you in advance for your support on this and the uniform requirements can be found on the link below:
Have a restful weekend.
Yours sincerely
Allie Denholm