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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.

Health and Social Care

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum intent for Health and Social Care is to give students an insight into some aspects of the health and social care environment, ranging from how the human develops from birth to death to different types of support that might be used, and to seeing how care values are expressed. About three million people in the UK work in the health and social care sector - the equivalent to one in every 10 people. Demand for both health and social care is liable to continue to rise due to the ageing population, and so will play a very important role within the UK society. With this, there will be a greater demand for people to work in these roles.

The curriculum is delivered through internal assignments and tasks in addition to an external exam. It is specifically designed to give learners a taste of the sector and the skills needed; as well as confidence to take their next steps in their future.

The BTEC Tech Award is split into three components:

  • Component 1 Human Lifespan Development – in this component, learners research a famous celebrity and discuss their life events, they then look at an unexpected life event and discuss how the same event can impact 2 individuals in totally different ways. This is a coursework component and accounts for 30% of the learners overall grade.
  • Component 2 Health and Social Care Service and Values - In this component learners are given the opportunity to bring the subject to life through role play. This is a coursework component and accounts for 30% of the learners overall grade.
  • Component 3 Health and Wellbeing - this is the examination component and accounts for 40% of their overall grade, learners cover a variety of topics such as alcohol, drugs, personal hygiene and chronic and acute illnesses. The use of documentaries and real life stories allows them to empathise with those accessing health and social care services.

Literacy is embedded in every lesson and in every classroom with the use of key vocabulary in bell activities or plenaries. Also each classroom has key vocabulary displayed around the classroom. Numeracy skills are developed through the whole of components 2 and 3 where learners are required to carry out cash flow forecasts, break even calculations, statements of financial position and accounts. The external exam is heavily weighted on finance therefore it is important learners are exposed to these early in the course and plenty opportunity for practise is given.

Curriculum Overview

Click on the document at the bottom of this page to view and easy read version of the full curriculum overview

 GCSE Health and Social Care


The Pearson BTEC Level 1 / Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care is for learners who wish to acquire knowledge, understanding and technical skills through vocational contexts as part of their Key Stage 4 learning.  The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment.

The main focus is on three areas, which cover:

  • Skills and processes, such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health, and designing a plan to improve their health and wellbeing.
  • Attitudes, namely the care values that are vitally important in the sector, and the opportunity to practise applying them.
  • Knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills, processes, and attitudes, including human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing. 

Course Structure

Pearson BTEC Level 1 / Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care requires learners to complete each of the three components that are outlined below.

Component Number

Component Title



Assessment Method


Human Lifespan Development





Health and Social Care Services and Values





Health and Wellbeing



Synoptic External

Component Details

Component 1 – Human Lifespan Development

Learners will investigate how, in real situations, human development is affected by different factors and that people deal differently with life events.

Learning Aims:

  • Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it.
  • Investigate how individuals deal with life events. 

Component 2 – Health and Social Care Services and Values

Learners study and practically explore health and social care services and how they meet the needs of real service users. They also develop skills in applying care values.

Learning Aims:

  • Understand the different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them.
  • Demonstrate care values and review own practice. 

Component 3 – Health and Wellbeing

Learners will study the factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators and how to design a health and wellbeing improvement plan.

Assessment Objectives:

  • AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of factors that affect health and wellbeing.
  • AO2 – Interpret health indicators.
  • AO3 – Design a person-centred health and wellbeing improvement plan.
  • AO4 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to overcome obstacles relating to health and wellbeing improvement plans.

Additional Information & Who to contact 

Click here to view the Health and Social Care Specification

If you require any further information or have any questions, then please contact Miss McMahon on