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About Consilium

Consilium Academies is a multi-academy Trust working across the North of England. It has nine academy schools located in Yorkshire, the North West, and the North East. Consilium is dedicated to enriching lives and inspiring ambitions for both students and colleagues.

Travel and Tourism

Curriculum Intent

Travel and Tourism is one of the UK’s largest sectors, employing over 2.5 million people. Therefore the travel and tourism sector is vital to the UK economy. There are several types of tourism with many industries working together to provide products and services for this sector. The sector demands independent, passionate, motivated and proactive employees to drive the future success of Travel and Tourism. These are the types of learners that the Business and Applied Learning department aim to produce.

The BTEC First Award in Travel and tourism that we follow in the department enables our learners to develop these all-important transferable skills. The way in which the course is designed allows an opportunity for practical application alongside conceptual study. This is achieved by involving local travel and tourism businesses throughout the study to bring the course alive.

The curriculum is delivered through internal assignments and tasks in addition to an external exam. It is specifically designed to give learners a taste of the sector and the skills needed; as well as confidence to take their next steps in their future. The course is made up of four units that encourage learners to explore, develop and apply their subject knowledge. In unit 1 learners gain an understanding of the travel and tourism sector, how the industries work together and how they are affected by the developments in technology. Unit 2 examines the UK’s most popular tourist destinations and their importance. Unit 3 is a synoptic unit that investigates the travel and tourism customer and their experience. It is here learners gain an understanding of customer service and the skills needed in their future career. The final unit explores international visitor attractions, this unit opens up a world of different cultures, traditions, landscapes and experiences hopefully instilling in our learners the want to travel.

Curriculum Overview

Click on the document at the bottom of this page to view an easy read version of the full curriculum overview


BTEC Travel and Tourism


What does it take to be a successful travel agent, tourist information representative, cruise ship steward, cabin crew or museum marketer? The thriving travel and tourism industry provides exciting opportunities requiring a wide range of skills including self-management, team working, business and customer awareness, problem-solving, literacy, numeracy, IT, and communication skills.


BTEC Firsts in Travel and Tourism provide a practical, real-world approach to learning and develop specific knowledge and skills learners need to work successfully in the industry, such as:

  • Understanding travel and tourist destinations and investigating the appeal of UK tourist destinations
  • Presenting information about the key developments over time and how they have moulded and influenced UK travel and tourism into the sector it is today
  • Developing business and customer awareness by understanding the importance of customer service to travel and tourism organisations.

Learners will also be able to present their work in a variety of ways, including:

  • Producing leaflets and posters
  • Taking part in role-plays and discussions
  • Face-to-face or audio-visual presentations
  • Business reports

Course Structure

The table below outlines the units that will be covered in the BTEC Travel and Tourism course, their key learning aims and how they will be assessed.

Unit Title

Learning Aims

Assessment Method

Unit 1 – The UK

Travel and Tourism


  • To understand the UK travel and tourism sector and its importance to the UK economy. 
  • To know about the industries, and key organisations, within the travel and tourism sector, their roles, and interrelationships. 

External – 

1 hour exam

Unit 2 – UK Travel and Tourism Destinations

  • To know UK travel and tourism destinations and gateways.
  • To investigate the appeal of UK tourism destinations for different types of visitors and plan UK holidays to meet their needs.


Internal – Coursework


Unit 4 –

International Travel and Tourism Destinations

  • To know the major international travel and tourism destinations and gateways.
  • To investigate the appeal of international travel and tourism destinations to different types of visitor and be able to plan international travel to meet the needs of these visitors.

Internal – Coursework


Unit 6 – The Travel and Tourism Customer


  • To investigate travel and tourism customer service and understand its importance.
  • To explore the needs and expectations of different types of customer in the travel and tourism sector.  

Internal – Coursework


Additional Information & Who to contact 

Click here to view the BTEC Travel and Tourism Specification

If you require any further information or have any questions, then please contact Miss McMahon on